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Check out these RESULTS

Since 2020, Marshall Fitness has helped hundreds gain muscle, burn fat, and create healthier lifestyles. Read their stories below. 

Marshall Fitness logo
Before fat loss
Fitness after fat loss

"On August 28, 2023 I joined Marshall Fitness to help me take control of my lifestyle. I was coming off a few bad years of struggles with my weight. My wake up call was in September 2021 when a 23 year old me woke up in the ICU during the pandemic. Fast forward 2 years of inconsistency, I knew I had to be held accountable. I had reached 380lbs at my highest. A number I am now comfortable being transparent about. The day Will reached out to me is truly a day I'll never forget. I was weighing in around 360lb and we set a game plan of 299lbs. I am so happy to have crushed that goal and beat it 3 weeks short of the 1 year mark with the program. With this program, all aspects of my life have improved. 

-Ian G.

Listen to Ian's story here.

The way I look ( haven’t seen my abs ever till now ). I’m stronger, sleep better, more stamina, etc. As a former athlete playing baseball and football I always had some fitness experience but no one ever took the time to explain to me how and why your body changes based on different aspects of training and nutrition. That’s where Will came in and really took time with me individually to answer questions I had whenever I had them. I am happy to say I’m 33 and I’m in better shape now and even more athletic than when I was an “athlete”!

-Mark M. 

Before and after fitness
Woman Fat Loss
Fitness after woman fat loss

I came to Will knowing that I wanted to start working out again. I had a baby at the start of covid but hadn’t gotten back into any workouts again. I specifically knew I needed strength training based on my doctor’s recommendation but had no idea where to start. I was a competitive swimmer until college so I was familiar with weight lifting but I needed help getting started. He met with me to talk through my backgrounds and goals and then setup everything to get me started nutritionally and all the workouts. I love having at home and gym workout options (7 in total and different amounts of time like long and short) so then I can do something day to day based on my schedule and what I’m feeling. I am 100% remote with Will and still felt really connected with the Facebook group, and app planned guidance. I feel like I have the guidance I need now to continue working through the process to make this a habit in my day-to-day life.”

-Emily V. 

Brett was the first international Marshall Fitness team member.


He achieved these results under the guidance of Marshall Fitness all the way from Toronto, Canada. 


-Will Marshall

Fitness Before
Fitness After Muscle gain
woman before and after
woman before and after

"I enjoyed the workouts a lot and going to incorporate the new exercises I learned into my life outside of Marshall fitness. I enjoyed recalling my week and asking myself what I learned or how I could improve for small goals."

-Bella D.

"Since starting with Marshall Fitness my life has been very different. I feel better physically, mentally and I can do more than I thought I’d ever be able to do. I get lots of compliments on how healthy and happy I look. I’ve had chronic knee and back pain for years but now I have no pain. Also changing my diet and actually eating a lot healthier has helped with my stomach issues. I was actually able to stop my prescription medication that I’ve been on for years. I haven’t felt this good since high school."

-Nathan B.

man before and after
man skinny
man muscular

"My experience has been fantastic. It has given me everything I was looking for when I began. Structured workouts, diet help, and accountability."

-Dan L. 

The Marshall Fitness program helped me overcome "gymtimidation." Having routines planned with video examples of the movements helped me have more confidence walking into the gym, feeling like I knew what I was doing."


I felt better about how I looked and generally felt happier. "

-Joey K.

man before fitness
man after fitness results
before and after woman
"Marshall Fitness has changed the way I look at weight loss & “dieting”. Will has taught me I don’t need to starve myself & spend an hour doing cardio to lose weight. Will is always available to answer any questions I have or tweak a workout for whatever reason.


My life is definitely more enjoyable now. I have more energy to do everyday things. I’m in a better mood everyday. I just feel better altogether."

Megan H.

“My experience with Marshall Fitness has been everything I could have asked for. I’ve had support through injury, learned about nutrition & what types of workouts that fit me best (and I like doing them), as well as getting out of my comfort zone and pushing myself in ways I haven’t before.”


“My life is different because I know that in order to get the results I want is not about restriction or what I cannot do post surgery. It is about balance in both nutrition aspects and the strengthening aspect. I’ve also learned that progress isn’t completely linear. Workout out 4 times a week is better than none at all. I was a perfectionist prior to this which is what I think held me back. Now I know it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does need to get done, and that’s the phrase that held me accountable.”

-Natalie S.

before and after woman
woman fitness results
woman fitness success

"With Will's amazing help, I was able to get through a lot of gym anxiety and build new habits. I look forward to working out, I feel strong physically and mentally, and I'm proud of the work I put in for myself.

-Vanessa P. 

"It’s been a wonderful progression of growth in my fitness journey. He’s given me the confidence to make huge strides in my health."


 I am so much more aware of what I am eating and how I am eating as well as finding the time to make the gym or other types of fitness or movement a part of my life."

-Jared H.

before and after front views
before and after side view

"My life has completely changed. As a woman, the number on the scale has always really bothered me. Since starting to work with Will, I’ve learned that progress photos are so much more helpful than what the number is on the scale. I used to hardly eat anything and my weight and look would stay the same and I couldn’t understand why. Since starting with Will I’ve learned to eat better and more and as a result I have so much more energy and overall feel so much better."

-Kyra M. 

Alexa Young, CA

man muscular
man gym results

"My experience was fantastic. I was previously training with no goals in mind and got pretty burned out due to the dullness. This program introduced me to many new movements that really helped make it interesting again as I  trained to improve my strength/functionality in these weak areas. Also, with my busy travel schedule this program provided me with a lot more knowledge to move forward on a healthier path.

-Dante B.

“Will got me back on track with my fitness goals. Importantly, it's not just that he's a trainer and has given me workout plans. He's also given me the knowledge (and confidence) to know that after our time working together is over, I'll do just fine on my own."

-Brian B

man after fat loss
man before gym
man before
man after

Kyle lost 25lbs in 5 months and put on some serious muscle in the process!

-Will Marshall

man before
man before

"Will has single handedly gave me so much confidence and knowledge to take with me, not only in the gym, but also in my life. His program really changed my mindset and way I was going about fighting my inner demons! I cannot stress enough how much fitness can get you back into a mindset to growth in every aspect of your life. Thank you Will for giving me everything I need to succeed. Highly recommend him!

-Joel K. 


"Prior to joining, I wondered if remote coaching would work or me because I really needed the accountability. The results above show that it is absolutely possible to be states away and still achieve fantastic results."

-Mark C. 

“My experience has not been anything but excellent. Marshall Fitness helped me get into a more active/healthier lifestyle. It has helped me be more conscious about the foods I am eating while staying more active at the same time.

-Nick P. 

man before gym
man after lifting
woman success story

"I'm happy that I've been seeing the changes that I hoped for. Baby steps and patience is really key. I used to have the "all or nothing" mentality when it came to nutrition and fitness, and it never worked. I remember feeling defeated every single time. I'm glad I have a different outlook/approach to it now. 

-Amanda L. 

woman in corn field
woman ice cream fitness

"My experience has been life-changing. My priorities have fully transformed - I care a lot more about my wellbeing and fitness. This would only be possible with having Will as my coach. The weekly check-ins helped me evaluate what I cared most about, but also made me feel seen and supported. The Marshall Fitness community is truly inspiring - reading about how people have met their individual goals continued to motivate me to reach mine."

-Urszula O. 

man traveling

"This is the best thing I ever did for myself! I had done cardio here and there but never focused on strength training until working with Will. This experience has provided structure, tools, plans and confidence I need to make this part of my life and not an add on.


Because of Marshall Fitness, fitness is a part of my routine. It's part of how I plan and organize my time."


-Sam A. 

“To be honest, I wasn't sure if it would be a gimmicky fitness program and lack real education but boy was I wrong. There were so many supporting videos and information that I felt well equipped to start my fitness journey. 


Will's wealth of knowledge helped me gain the muscle I wanted. My abs show and I feel better all around mentally and physically because I have no created a lasting habit of hitting the gym that was not there prior to this program."

-Andrew B.

man before
man after gym
woman on vacation
woman confidence

"I was able to build muscle definition in all areas of my body, not just in my shoulders. I lost body fat in key areas of my back (bra overhang), love handles, stomach and more! I feel more confident in the gym and have much better understanding of nutrition choices and what my body needs. I'm able to wear clothing that I wouldn't have felt comfortable wearing prior to working with Marshall Fitness."

-Stacy L. 

man before gym
man after gym

"From the beginning it has been nothing but a great experience. I first started with in person training and when things got weird with the pandemic, we switched to online training and it’s been fantastic. Took a little getting used to since I got to pick when and how long my workouts would be, but it’s been very simple and easy to take care of. Will, from the very start, has been very attentive and personable. He makes sure that he checks in to make sure everything is going alright whether it be with the workouts or even personal things. You don’t only get a personal trainer with Will, you also get a friend.

-Jake P. 

woman enjoying hike

"Marshall Fitness has made such an impact and I am so excited and grateful to continue this journey. Thank you [Will] for being one of a kind. Will is the first trainer I've worked with who never stresses too much about food and nutrition. Will emphasizes how important it is to achieve our goals but I also learned the importance of balance and getting back on track the next day. It's not the end of the world if I go out and enjoy the weekend, it will have zero effect on my progress long term. 

​-Sabine M. â€‹

"I was nervous about doing a clean bulk and not just putting on fat. I also had some reservations about it not working with being in different states. 


We crushed the bulk and did it CLEAN. [Will] was open and super responsive to changing any movements or making adjustments. 


I can't believe how tiny I was when I started."

-Justin C. 

man before muscle gain
man after muscle gain

-Cortney M.

woman  before and after
woman before and after
man wedding ready
man pre wedding fitness

"Will was awesome. From the moment I signed up, he took the time to really figure out what my goals were and the best ways to get there, even adding a few things to make it a little more fun along the way. He was super responsive to any questions I had on anything from diet to deadlift form. I also enjoyed that he took a holistic approach and didn't just focus on what numbers popped up on the scale - it was about the big picture. 

-Ryan K. 

Marshall Fitness LLC 2024

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